10 Ways BIM Enhancing Construction Project Management, 3D Model, Clash…

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작성자 Damian Laing
댓글 0건 조회 48회 작성일 24-06-04 08:56


BIM has been the talk of the town since its introduction to the construction industry because of its ability to revolutionize the construction process and project outcome. Despite the craze, some construction businesses are still not sure how BIM may assist them to manage their building projects. Take a look at the benefits of BIM in construction project management, including how it may speed up the process and enhance the overall quality of work on the job site.

BIM for More Effective Construction Project Management:

One prevalent misperception when BIM was originally introduced to the industry is that the software is only for the 3D modeling of the project. Its true goal, which was to consolidate all project information in one location, was kept hidden. Fortunately, contractors have figured out how to use BIM for improved construction project management, and project managers are getting better at it. BIM is a system that converts all specifications, information, and descriptions into a 3D model, resulting in an accurate picture of the project. This allows all stakeholders to make better decisions since they can see the step-by-step method that must be followed to complete the project on schedule, as well as the potential difficulties that may arise from the original plan they wrote. To put it another way, BIM allows you to see into the future of a project even if it hasn't started yet. It has a straightforward impact on the project's outcome. Since the construction leaders are aware of the potential errors, they can amend the plan to improve it or, if errors are unavoidable, they devise risk mitigation methods in the pre-building phase.

Construction Project Management: 10 Ways BIM Can Help:

The construction business has been revolutionized by BIM technology, and clients are delighted as the danger of errors, reworks, going over budget, and being late has been considerably minimized. BIM has allowed the project managers to manage the construction site more efficiently for the project team. BIM, on the other hand, is utilized for better overall project management. Construction crew management software is used for improved progress and worker activity tracking. BIM's major purpose is to reduce work errors, costs, and redundancies by collecting all information from all parties involved and translating it into an integrated model that can increase the project team's productivity. Bringing all engineers, subcontractors, designers, and project managers together under one roof will result in a win-win situation for everyone involved, including the client. The flow of information becomes more fluid, allowing everyone to move as per the client's expectations to accomplish the project's success.

1. Improved collaboration and communication

BIM, as previously said, aids in improving communication and collaboration across all disciplines involved in a construction project. It provides all stakeholders with a visual representation of their plans, allowing them to assess if their efforts complement one another. BIM facilitates collaboration in a way that no paper drawings can. It enables separate project teams to share their project models with other stakeholders so that changes can be made as needed. They can also notify other teams of their daily progress so that they know when it's time to start working on their part. This is especially beneficial for interdependent trades. BIM, like construction crew management software, is cloud-based, allowing for real-time collaboration and communication. What's more, information can be seen on mobile devices, ensuring that everyone in the project team has access to the most up-to-date data at all times.

2. Visualization of the entire project at pre-construction:

As previously said, BIM can provide all stakeholders with a BIM is currently the only program that can provide the construction team with full visualization of the project even before the shovel touches the ground. The client receives a complete picture of the team's work thanks to the 3D model based on the plan. As a result, the client and the project team can already identify areas for improvement during the preconstruction phase, avoiding the need for time-consuming and costly change orders.

3. Reduced construction costs:

According to a McKinsey study, 75% of construction firms that used BIM received improved profits. This is in addition to the risk minimization, lower insurance costs, reduced potential for claims due to errors and accidents, and discovery of locations where prefabrication will be a better option than on-site building, which are all advantages of visualization in the early phases. All these factors contribute to a better profit margin for the construction company. Real-time collaboration also helps to reduce the danger of costly repairs caused by errors caused by out-of-date information. When repairs are removed from the equation, the construction business can make more and may even be given future opportunities with the same client if the job is completed well.

4. Improved scheduling of tasks & projects:

Visualization assists all parties in determining the best step-by-step approach. This identifies which subcontractor's work is dependent on the other, allowing the two parties to coordinate their timetables and operations. This enables for a more ordered work environment, which leads to more efficient results and quicker turnover.

5. Improved project productivity:

BIM is a method of increasing the productivity of the construction team and subcontracting team. All team members are not to be left in the dark about what has to be done next. If they finish early they will be able to plan activities and create schedules more accurately. As a result, no time will be wasted, and the project may even be completed sooner than anticipated. Further, BIM can be used to identify regions that would be better suited for being prefabricated rather than completed on-site. Having a component manufactured off the site can speed up the construction, even more, reducing wastage, diminishing labor and material costs, and improving efficiency.

6. Safer construction site:

hqdefault.jpgWhile on the job, project managers and safety engineers can't constantly keep an eye on everyone. However, using BIM, they could identify high-risk areas during the pre-construction phase, allowing them to plan for improved safety measures and site logistics to keep workers safe from dangers at the beginning of the project.

7. Better construction:

BIM leads the construction team to develop a higher-quality building as a result of improved project management. Due to BIM's collaborative function, all parties work more effectively, ensuring that their product is more in line with the client's expectations.

8. Improved clash detection & constructability review:

Since a building project entails the collaboration of multiple disciplines, the various plans from these teams may collide geometrically. Before the start of the construction workflow, BIM combines all designs so that the entire team can identify discrepancies and make necessary changes. BIM provides a means for all stakeholders concerned to assess and track constructability issues. The technique helps project managers to look into problems early on and look back into what might have gone wrong once the project is finished, from inception to completion. This enables the project manager to plan more effectively for future projects and avoid making the same mistakes.

9. Accurate data analysis:

A visual representation of the project helps in the right decision making. The information put into the program enables the entire project team to identify difficulties in materials, space, orientation, mass, and other structural factors, allowing concerns to be resolved at an early stage. Unlike traditional construction modeling software, BIM allows for 4D and 5D modeling, which are superior to 3D models in terms of project analysis and management. Even without visiting the site, a project manager can analyze project progress and gain a better grasp of the phases using a 4D model. A 5D model, on the other hand, helps project managers to evaluate costs to find the most cost-effective solutions and prevent going over budget. BIM aids project managers in identifying the appropriate material quantity take-offs so that they may provide more accurate estimates and win more bids. When they eventually get the job, BIM becomes a valuable tool for project managers in guiding their team to use the proper amount of materials and avoid wasting money.

Final Thought:

Based on the points described here, BIM can undoubtedly be another useful tool for better project management in the construction industry. These are the motivations for contractors and subcontractors to adopt BIM services in their projects. Any company may improve their project management and achieve success in every project they undertake if they seek a reliable BIM service company in USA.

Tejjy Inc. is one of the competent 3D BIM modeling service providers in USA, serving several areas like Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Baltimore, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Richmond, and Philadelphia. The DBE/WBE/MBE Certified Women-Owned Company with more than 15 years of experience provides a range of architectural, structural and MEP BIM services for AEC clients. Being a renowned company, providing BIM services in USA Tejjy Inc. has the potential to overcome challenges in the construction domain by integrating technology like Virtual Reality, Laser Scanning, Drone, Digital Twinning, etc. BIM modelers at Tejjy provide the information required for strengthening construction success. Tejjy Inc. enables collaboration with the worldwide workforce that allows professionals to work outside a traditional environment of an office for successful project execution. To know more about the latest architectural design-build services and BIM clash coordination, consult Tejjy Inc. at 202-465-4830 or [email protected].


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