Como Fazer Amigos E Influenciar Pessoas Tem Quantas Paginas

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작성자 Rosalina
댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 24-11-13 06:01


They are not interested in me. Próximo post Quando é que o pé para de crescer? He also gives examples from the lives of successful people to elaborate his point and also, gives pointers on how to incorporate those pieces of advice in our daily lives. This book is a guide to life.

Investir tempo no desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais traz uma série de benefícios, como:. Livraria Loyola. We, humans, are complex creatures; we have different personalities, temperaments, motivations but when everything is taken away, there are some core values that are similar in all of us. Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas gênero? Will I win or lose? How utterly delightful.

One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them. So, the book wasn't total garbage. Pratique a escuta ativa fazendo perguntas abertas, resumindo o que o outro disse e mostrando empatia. Técnicas Fundamentais em Lidar com as Pessoas [ editar editar código-fonte ]. I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument—and that is to avoid it.

Baixar livro Como Fazer Amigos e Influenciar Pessoas - Dale Carnegie PDF ePub Mobi

Carnegie discute a importância de criticar de forma construtiva e de promover um ambiente de feedback positivo. Sim, os ensinamentos de Carnegie têm se mostrado eficazes para muitas pessoas em suas interações sociais e profissionais. Investir tempo no desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais traz uma série de benefícios, como:.

Livro usado. Formato 16 cm x 23 cm. Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas e um bom livro? Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 26, reviews. This book had a profound effect on me, however, of the negative variety.

It did give me pointers on how to actually break out of my shell and "win friends" but in the long term, it did way more harm than good. Not the book per se, but my choice to follow the advice given there. The book basically tells you to be agreeable to everybody, find something to honestly like about them and compliment them on it, talk about their interests only and, practically, act like a people pleaser all the time.

It might sound like a harmless, aline farias trasando or even attractive idea in theory, but choosing to apply it in your every day life can lead to dangerous results. Case in point: after being a smiley happy person with loads of friends for about a year, the unpleasant realization began to creep in, that by being so agreeable to everybody else, I rarely ever got my way.

I also sustained friendships with people who were self-centered, so talking about their interests was all we got to do together, which drained me of my energy. The worst thing still, is that by trying to find something to like about every person, I completely disregarded their glaring faults.

It didn't matter that those people did have redeeming qualities - they weren't redeeming enough! I ended up with a bunch of friends I didn't really want and, because I was so preoccupied with "winning" those friendships I missed out on the chance to form relationships with good people.

But that's really just me trying to find something positive using the "principles" in a book that I am still trying to UNlearn. If you want to win friends, you have to do it the hard way, by being yourself and risking rejection and daring to do some rejection of your own, as well. And if you want to influence people the only fair way to do it is through honesty.

All the rest is manipulation and pretending. This will harm you in the long run. Thank you for reading this review. Dale, saying people's names often when you're talking to them, Dale, doesn't make you popular, Dale, it makes you sound like a patronizing creep. This book is probably really handy when you're trying to befriend kindergarteners, not as much adults.

It's also aimed at salespeople and not regular humans. Ugvaja Maks. As a seasoned individual who has benefited from the timeless wisdom of this book. I can attest to its enduring relevance in today's fast-paced world. The audiobook edition brings Carnegie's insights to life with a level of warmth and authenticity that resonates deeply with listeners. What truly resonates with me about this book is its practicality. Carnegie's principles, though simple in concept, offer profound insights into the art of building genuine relationships and influencing others positively.

From the importance of showing genuine appreciation to the power of active listening, Carnegie's teachings have had a transformative impact on how I navigate both personal and professional interactions. With thousands of positive reviews and a 5-star rating, it's evident that Carnegie's principles continue to stand the test of time and resonate with readers of all ages.

Three things about this book surprised me and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. One - it seemed pretty much timeless. Not much anachronism here, because language still serves the same purposes as ever, and people still want basically the same things they've always wanted.

I liked the examples taken from Abe Lincoln, etc. Two - the techniques described in the book aren't duplicitous. We all try to do what the title says, just like everyone else, whether we're admitting it to ourselves or not. Readers are repeatedly encouraged to develop genuine interest in others, be honest and ethical, and obey the golden rule.

Three - I enjoyed it read twice back to back and it felt easy and natural to apply some of the ideas in my life. Shortly after reading this book, I was a little bit better at communicating and a little bit happier about my interactions with others in general. This is a sad book. A book that aims to turn us into manipulating individuals who would want to achieve their means through flattery and other verbal-mental tricks. Even technically, it seems to me that the ploys' in this book would never really work.

Be afraid of the friends who flatter you. Most of us read so that we are inspired, moved, even shocked or atleast entertained by stories. We also read so that we understand better and stretch the possibilities of our minds and hearts, to be better human beings. We definitely do not read to become conniving ugly creatures to be held prisoners by our greed.

And come on get a grip — this is essentially a sales book. Adina way behind on reviews, no notifications. I bought this one in from an Amsterdam bookstore and it has been laying on my bookshelves since then. It's an icon of self help books and that was a problem because I kind of hate that genre. I decided to get rid of this one as well but not without trying, at least, to see if there is anything of value in it.

Well, I was surprised to read some sensible advice and I decided to actually read more. So, the book wasn't total garbage. As I said above, it had some good advice about the subject of win friends and influence people although there was a lot of filler in order to make his principle into a book.

Some examples were really interesting others a bit ridiculous. Gedeelte 3. Gedeelte 4. Gedeelte 5. O sorriso é um sinal universal de amizade e calor, e a linguagem corporal positiva pode transmitir confiança e empatia. Ao se comunicar, mantenha uma postura aberta e faça contato visual. O nome de uma pessoa é, para ela, a palavra mais doce que existe. Além de melhorar a maneira como você se relaciona com os outros, os princípios de Carnegie podem servir como uma base sólida para o crescimento pessoal:.

Harding traído por Fall? De jeito nenhum! Meu marido nunca traiu ninguém. Nem todo o ouro do mundo levaria meu marido a fazer algo de errado. Ele é quem foi traído, aniquilado e crucificado. Todos nós somos assim. Qual era o segredo do sucesso de Lincoln em lidar com as pessoas? Estudei a vida de Abraham Lincoln durante 10 anos e devotei três anos para escrever e reescrever um livro intitulado Lincoln, esse desconhecido. Estudei, em especial, o método que usava para lidar com as pessoas.

Ele fazia críticas? Ah, sim. Uma delas despertou ressentimentos que duraram toda uma vida. Mesmo depois que se tornou advogado em Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln continuou atacando opositores abertamente por meio de cartas publicadas nos jornais.

Mas certa vez acabou exagerando. No outono de , ele ridicularizou um político vaidoso e bélico chamado James Shields. Lincoln debochou dele por meio de uma carta anônima publicada pelo Journal , periódico de Springfield.

A cidade inteira morreu de rir. Sensível e orgulhoso, Shields ficou indignado. Coube a ele escolher a arma. Como tinha braços compridos, optou pelas longas espadas da cavalaria e teve lições de esgrima com um graduado por West Point.

No dia marcado, ele e Shields se encontraram num terreno arenoso à margem do rio Mississippi, preparados para lutar até a morte. Esse foi o incidente mais sinistro da vida de Lincoln. Ele nunca mais escreveu uma carta ofensiva.


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